
Posts uit oktober, 2019 tonen

To the nation of ShriLanka.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of ShriLanka : Hear, I AM GOD. My name is YHVH. I AM. Many heard about Me and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. He is the Only Way to eternal life and glory by means of faith in Me and Him and Our holy good news/gospel. I AM. Prophecy 31.10.2019.

We are... I AM.


The Ruler...


Every knee will bow....


Spreekt de bijbel zich tegen ?


The Only GODS that can save...


The GOD who spreads LIGHT.


The GOD of past, present and future.


The Supreme Head of all authorities.


God's Temple.


Woord van GOD aan de Kandelaar te Rotterdam NL.

Woord van GOD aan de Gemeente/kandelaar te Rotterdam God's rijke zegen bij het lezen en ter harte nemen van de boodschap van GOD.

Word of God to Israel.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel :  Hear, o Israel, I AM your GOD and Saviour. I AM. Repent... and accept My holy words in this prophecy, for the time is near that I will send My holy Mashiach. Read the holy scriptures of the Tenach... and you will find the truth concerning these facts. I AM. Prophecy 19.10.2019. Received by Jean Schoonbroodt.

The love...of the Holy GOD.


O Israel... many of you are deceived.


She Laughs at First...Then the Preacher Says This


Repentance... is necessary to be saved.


What the Mashiach did... and will do.

This says GOD YHVH : Hear, ye people of Israel, I AM GOD. In these days I will show you My holy will and rigtheousness. I AM. Many of you err. Many of you are like lost sheep, for you don't know My holy truth. Many of you read "sacred" books, but I tell you that in these books lies are contained. But My holy scriptures of the bible, I accept as being holy in their original text. I AM. Therefore : Repent... and read the bible. I AM. For the Old Covenant books/scrolls and the New Covenant books/scrolls are holy and revealing My holy way of redemption and salvation through faith in the atoning and reconciling work of My holy Mashiach, who was lead as a Lamb of God to the place called Golgatha/Calvery, where He was crucified for your sins and those of creation, so that all who believe in this redeeming work will be justified and saved for eternity, for He died for the transgressions of mankind although He was innocent. He took their sins upon Himself on the cross of Golga...