Posts uit mei, 2021 tonen
GOD SAYS : "MY holy judgments will hit the nations and tribes... "
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"MY HOLY JUDGMENTS WILL HIT THE NATIONS AND TRIBES... " ; SAYS GOD YHVH. This says GOD, the GOD of creation, YHVH-Elochim : "Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, the time is near that My judgment will hit your cities and regions and states and provinces and countries and nations. I AM. Many of you denied Me and My Son, but alas for you... you will not flee My judgments, when I hit you in several ways. For I AM GOD and The Holy Righteouss JUDGE, who will give people according to their works. The Revenge is Mine. I AM. For many precious souls suffered during the last age by your evil and wickedness. I AM. Many souls, who were tortured by you, screamed of pain. Many aborted children, had their terrible fears and pains while you were aborting them. You murderers, I will show you your evil and wickedness and will go with you in judgment right here and now by these words, you evildoers... who denied Me and My holy righteousness and My holy commandments of the Thora/Law ...
A Voice in The Wind reveals judgement upon authorities...
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GOD... THE JUDGE... amoung the nations... NOW !
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KENT U... en ERKENT U... GOD... ? Audio.. ( Dutch.NL.EU.)
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ABOUT THE ENDTIME... NOW... ( Serious message and warning ! )
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Het ware Evangelie... ( vurige prediking ) Dutch. NL. EU.
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How to overcome the powers of darkness/to be set free ?
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Where is the True GOD... and where is His True Temple... ?
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