
Posts uit februari, 2022 tonen

GOD's POWER... Two witnesses...false prophet...and Beast... 20.02.2022.

GOD SPEAKS ABOUT... HIS POWER... TWO WITTNESSES... FALSE PROPHET... AND BEAST... This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and the GOD of the universes :  "Hear, ye people of the earth in this temporary universe that I created by My Almighty Being and Ghost/Spirit and words, I AM GOD who has the power to create or to destroy... and to consume with My holy Fire, that has a temperature that no-one knows or is even aware of. For I can create such a heat that even no-one would believe it to be possible. For I AM the Almighty GOD. I create or destroy. I heal or curse. I bless or destroy... whatever I want. I AM the Almighty One... and no "Pope" nor any world-leader. I AM. There is no global power or I can destroy them immediatly from heaven... even without using any worldy weapon. I can call things into existence, that you would never even think about. I can cause out of nothing, by My Almight Being and Person and fire and energy, brimstone and fire from heaven that will fall on ...

In welche Zeit leben wir nun wirklich... ?

Predigt durch Gottes Gnade... durch Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. In welche Zeit leben wir nun wirklich... ?   Am 09.02.2022.

Strong Powerfull Message... to strengthen all... 01.02.2022.

 STRONG  POWERFULL  MESSAGE... TO  STRENGTHEN  ALL... 01.02.2022. Strong Powerfull Message... Message by The Candle / The Voice in the Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.