Posts uit september, 2022 tonen
GOD YHWH / YHVH SPEAKS... to the nations and tribes of the earth.
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THIS SAYS GOD YHWH... to the nations and tribes of this Endtime : ' Hear, ye endtime-nations and tribes of the earth, I AM the GOD who saw all you did and know what your future is. For I AM the One who is the Almighty and Alknowing One of creation... of the heavens and the earth, universe and universal powers and intelligence. I AM. No-one ever saw Me, unless I revealed Myself to him or her or them. I AM. My Holy House in Heaven is also represented on earth... in those holy gatherings of My holy servants and people, who honor and worship and obey Me according to the grace and love and truth and hope and the faith and the charisma's and holy ministries of My Holy Ghost that I gave or will give among them. I AM. My faithfull and true believers worship Me in Spirit and truth, for such worshippers I seek. I AM. My holy people are everywhere on earth were two or three are gathered in My and J.H.W.H. 's holy and powerful name and love and grace and truth. I AM. Many a...