GOD YHWH / YHVH SPEAKS... to the nations and tribes of the earth.

THIS SAYS GOD YHWH... to the nations and tribes of this Endtime :

'Hear, ye endtime-nations and tribes of the earth, 

I AM the GOD who saw all you did and know what your future is. For I AM the One who is the Almighty and Alknowing One of creation... of the heavens and the earth, universe and universal powers and intelligence. I AM. 

No-one ever saw Me, unless I revealed Myself to him or her or them. I AM. 

My Holy House in Heaven is also represented on earth... 

in those holy gatherings of My holy servants and people, who honor and worship and obey Me according to the grace and love and truth and hope and the faith and the charisma's and holy ministries of My Holy Ghost that I gave or will give among them. I AM. My faithfull and true believers worship Me in Spirit and truth, for such worshippers I seek. I AM. My holy people are everywhere on earth were two or three are gathered in My and J.H.W.H. 's holy and powerful name and love and grace and truth. I AM. Many are My followers in J.H.W.H. 's name and do the works that I give them to do among the tribes and nations of this temporary creation. I AM. 

My holy name and holy Ghost and Holy Son and Our holy spirits/holy serving angels and saints are one.We are the Elohim above all elohim : YHVH-Elohim. 

Translated : We are the Gods above all gods : YHVH-GODS.
We have all under Our control, according to My holy will and plan with and within My holy creation. I AM. Many are not aware of this anymore. Many lost faith and even the knowledge of Our heavenly glorious powers and reign. I AM. But We will send and sent messengers and witnesses among mankind to make to them Our reign known by their messages, testimonies and holy scriptures and holy God-fearing life-style, words and actions/deeds of true love and care and mercy and righteousness. I AM. 

My true holy people are willing to suffer for Our sake and Our holy Kingdom of Heaven and Our holy righteousness, for they have a living hope to end with Us in Eternal Glory... 

and joy and happiness in the New Heaven and the New Earth, that We will create... after having destroyed this temporary evil and wicked anti-God and anti-Christ / other christ / other mashiach / false mashiach / false prohet and Whore Babylon and Beast-world-system. I AM. 

Soon I will destroy all who were not willing to accept Our reign in heaven and on earth

after they all took  the charagma/mark/sign... or stigma / with a sharp pointed object carved or injected / name, number... or the sum of the number of the name/title of the anti-christ / false prophet / Beast, which is 666, in or on/upon or covering their right hand /it litterally means right hand / but 'right hand' also means/stands for their actions/authority or power to do or to decide or to command/demand or to rule... like 'I, the Lord GOD YHWH,  streched out... and will stretch out...My Holy Mighty Right Arm and Hand to defeat My enemies' or  'Jesus/Jeshua is seated at My Right Hand. I AM GOD the Father, the Great I AM.'... and in or on or covering their forehead / frontal lob of the brain, which is the center and the place where the will is seated... and decisions are made, but where is also MY Holy SEAL of MY chosen ones... like in Ephesians 1 ; 13+14. + Rev. 7.  ... or the seal of the anti-christ/other-christ/other mashiach/other anointed one/false apostle/false prophet/false christian/false anointed leader , who is false in his character and way of representing Me, the true God, to deceive christianity and mankind... and.. or has another anointing/spirit and intention or intelligence and knowledge and task to deceive and to seduce and to manipulate, so that all will take his Mammon-number-666... so that they have Satans/Lucifers seal upon/on or in them/or are covered with his seal and are in this way under his power and spirits... and agree in this way with his reign and are his slaves... and accept and acknowledge and pledge in this way their alliance with and subjection/dedication to him... in Our holy heavenly Eyes. 

They all loved Mammon and this world and her lusts more than Me. I AM.

This anti-christ reigns the Whore Babylon and the Beast-World-Kingdoms / World-Order of these days, 

that you are living in right now. 
This man of Rome has done already most of his deceiving/seducing and manipulating work... together with his co-workers... to bring billions of people into second death / the lake of fire and brimstone. 
Rev. 14. 

They even used Pharma-keia / Sorcery / deceiving Magic / Manipulation / knowledge of the Old Serpent and her tree of the knowledge of good and evil to seduce, deceive and betray and to kill/murder... 

to seduce and deceive all of mankind, who did not keep the teachings/instructions/education/commandments of Me, The True God,  and My holy Thora... nor the words of the prophets and seeers and revelators... nor those of true holy apostles and holy witnesses of Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesus the Christ. I AM.' ;

Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great I AM of Israel and creation, adonai YHVH / YHWH.

Prophetic teaching by The Lord GOD YHWH.

Received by : 

The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.



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