This says GOD to the Nation-State of Israel :

"Hear, o nation-State of Israel, I, the LORD-GOD YHWH, was The One ... who according to My holy prophecies started the State of Israel ... and I used "the hunters and the fishermen" to get you back into the promised land. I AM. If you would know the holy scriptures of your true prophets/seers/revelators than you would and will understand what I AM talking about. I AM. For many think that they know Me, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the great "I AM" , who called Moses the man of God and all the other holy prophets/seers/revelators and anointed ones with Holy Ghost/ Holy Breath of My Power and Majesty and of My Spirit and holy Mouth. I AM. Soon you will see great and awful things with your eyes and ears ... and some of you already saw them. I AM. I AM the One who has all powers in the heavens and the earth and not the New World Order. I AM. Many were/are deceived and seduced by the powers of darkness, who want to control all and everyone. Their goal/plan/agenda is total control of all in creation and giving in reality all honor to the evil one / Satan/ Lucifer/ the evil spirit in the air that wants adoration and worship of himself ... to take away My Honor and the Honor of My beloved and Glorified Holy Son, The True Mashiach, Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ, who is the Eternal Holy High Priest in My Heavenly True Holy Tabernacle / Temple. I AM. For the temple at Jerusalem in the past was just a shadow-image of My True Glorious Heavenly Everlasting Tabernacle / Temple. I AM. Therefore I allowed the Romans to destroy the temple at Jerusalem in the past ... and created a New Temple, that would be spread all over the earth by the living stones of that Spiritual Holy Tabernacle / Temple of Me and My True Mashiach / Yeshua Ha Mashiach. I AM. This Holy Temple/Tabernacle exists of all true believers in Me and My True Mashiach/ Anointed One/ Messiah/ Christ/ The, with Holy Spirit filled, Messenger/Angel of which the prophet Maleachi spoke, that He would come to His Own Temple... and would Judge ... The True Temple of Me, the GOD of Israel and creation now exists out of holy people worldwide/all over the earth, who really acknowledge Me and My True Mashiach ... that many of you still deny because of the deception and hardening of your hearts among you. I AM. I AM the One who created all that you can see or experience of the visible material worlds/realms/dimensions and of the invisible spirit-realms/dimensions/worlds/universes. I AM. No-one ever taught Me what to do, but I allowed mankind throughout all ages even to talk and ask Me for grace and love and truth and wisdom and blessings and righteousness or judgments over or among people according to My holy loving gracious and righteous care for and over or in or among all. I AM the GOD of all true knowledge, wisdom, discernment and true holy science. I AM. So My Holiness is there represented where two or three are gathered in My Holy Name or in the Name of My Holy Mashiach / Christ Yeshua / Jesus, who was My Holy Tabernacle / Temple in His days on earth. For the temple at Jerusalem was corrupted and dishonored and blasphemed by the evil works of those who were the leaders of Israel. So I sent My holy Son from heaven to earth to fulfill the words written by My prophets concerning The True Mashiach, who would die for the sins of Israel to save Israel from the powers of darkness and evil /sins / trangressions of Our holy Thora ...  and to reconcile them by His precious innocent / life / soul / blood on the wood of curses of Golgatha/Calvery, where He died as the Lamb of GOD/ The True Passover / Pesach by which Our holy judgment would be kept away from them, so that they can live under Our holy Blessings. I AM. This holy Sacrifice is the only atonement that I accept in My Presence here on earth ... and in afterlife. I AM. There is no other Way to get into Our Presence without being condemned and to get into Paradise/The Garden of Eden than by the Blood of The Lamb of GOD... as it was sprinkled by The Hight Priest of Heaven Y.H.V.H. on the Mercy-Seat of My holy Arc of The Covenant, which was hidden by My Hand in the days of the prophet Jeremiah outside of the wall of Jerusalem in a cave, before king Nebukadnessar of Babylon/Babel came to Jerusalem by his armies to take the Jews captive as a judgment of Me, because they did not keep the Sabbath during seven (7) years. Therefore I sent them seventy (70) years into slavery/captivity in Babylon. After those 70 years I brought them back to their promised land according to My holy prophecy. I AM. You heard or knew about this historical fact and reality ... as it was taught to you by My witnesses and teachers of the holy scriptures. The Blood of the Lamb of GOD is now still speaking in My holy Presence in Heaven and on earth at Jerusalem in that cave on the real and True Arc of The Covenant, that I made with My holy chosen Israel by which I made peace between Me, the Holy One of Israel and creation and all of Israel and all of creation, by which I can forgive all who accept this holy message of Our Holy Work of Redemption by the Blood of The Lamb of GOD, who is now seated at My right Hand in Heaven and has got all power in the heavens and the earth as The Lion of Juda who has overcome ... to save all that He wants to save for eternity by His Giving Goodnes/Grace/Mercy ... as I also have the power to do so. I AM. For He and I are One : YHVH-Elohim. "Amen" ; says the Spirit of GOD. My beloved Glorified Son has an Eternal High-Priesthood according to The Order of Melchisedek, King of Holy Godly Heavenly Righteousness and  King of Holy Heavenly Shalom/Salem/Peace, by which He can save all who call on His or My holy Name in true holy faith in Us and Our words and messages. I AM. Blessed are all who believe Us and this holy message/prophecy of Us, The YHVH-Elohim, who will judge the living and the dead according to Our Holy Words. I AM." ;

Says the Almighty One / EL-Shaddai, EL-ELyon, Adonai YHVH-ELohim.

Message by The Candle / Menorah/ Voice in The Wind 7.



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