The God of the Hebrew speaks...

This says The God of the Hebrew :

I AM GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of Israel. Many of the Israelites left Me... and are even not aware anymore of Me being their God and Saviour throughout all the ages. Many suffered much during the ages, because they left Me, the Source of all life. Allthough I continually tried to reach out for them... and stretched My loving Arms to them, they still remained in unbelieve, because of their stubborness. Many of them call Me "Adonai", but deny Me in their daily works. Many seek life and wealth and succes and luxury and all the things of this world, but denounce Me if they are persecuted. Many live like the gentiles. Their god is their belly. They deny My holy existence... and deny, that I AM the I AM, the God of their ancestors, the God of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jakob/Israel. I AM the GOD of Adam, Henoch, the seventh after Adam, Noach, and all other holy chosen vessels/man of God... like Moshe/Moses... Joshua and Caleb... and Samuel and all the other prophets... and anointed Kings of Israel of the past. Throughout all ages I was the GOD of Israel... and I AM still the GOD of Israel, now and forever. I AM. Many were awaiting the Messiah/Mashiach. Many were desperate hoping for His coming, but many didn't understand that He was already on earth... and fulfilled His holy destiny and task... and returned to heaven, where He is now sitting at My right Hand. I AM. His name is known amoung the gentiles, but alas, many of the people of Israel refused to believe in Him, because of the evil, that many of His "followers"did to them during the ages and during the Holocaust. Many called themselves according to His name, but lived like demons. Many even caused wars during the ages... and told their armies, that they warred in My or His name. Many abused My holy name and His holy name... and by this blasphemed Our holy names and Our true Holy believers and followers... and even persecuted them, by calling them "christian-cults or sects". These raving wolves with their "sheep-like" behaviour, were like the scribes and pharisee, who demanded that the true Messiah/Mashiach should be killed like a criminal and should be nailed to the wood of curse on Golgatha. And they got their desire. But I resurrected My true Messiah/Mashiach from the death and the dead and the grave on the third day... and 40 days later I took Him up into heaven, where He now is seated at My right Hand, till all His enemies will be laid down at His holy feet. I AM. Soon He will return from heaven to the same place, where He was caught up into heaven/the sky/clouds. And Than He will Reign, together with Me, during 1000 years at Zion/Jerushalaim in Israel. And in those days nobody will war against Israel, for Israel will have peace during 1000 years, according to the words of the prophets and apostles. I AM.

Prophecy 01.03.2018. Jean Schoonbroodt.


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