The Good Shephard.

This says GOD :

Many searched for Me, many found Me... and I found many by means of My holy searching love for them. Many were lost, but were found by My holy love and grace and truth and compassion, allthough many denied me or were led astray during their lives. Still I AM the Good Shephard, who searched His lost sheep and found them... and saved them... and led them to My holy flock. I AM. Many despised My love, because they were focussed on the things of the world and were not really interested in Me and My love, allthough they were willing to live in My holy creation. Many despised Me, allthough I gave them love during their lives by My beloved ones... and chosen ones, but still I AM faithfull towards My holy words. Soon I will come to take My beloved ones to Me, so that they will be gathered around My heavenly holy throne. I AM. Seek Me, oh ye people, for still I AM waiting for you, to save you. Come to Me and repent. Change your ways of thinking, speaking and your ways of life. For I AM GOD and I AM patient with all of you. Deny yourselves and your selfish attitude... and accept My love and care and grace and truth in My holy name... and in the Holy name of My beloved Son Jesus the Christ, for We are GOD. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.02.2018. Peter Schoonbroodt.


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