The works of satan... and the works of GOD.

The works of satan... and the works of GOD.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty Holy GOD of the universes : 

Hear, ye nations and people of the earth, I YHWH GOD AM and I forbade all kinds of magic/thaumaturgy... like voodoo and wicca and idolitry and spells and curses on persons/people or regions, towns/cities or countries, states or nations. White magic and black magic are both the works of darkness or the works and influences of satan himself... or his satanic and demonic spirits in the air, that influence the thoughts and words and feelings/emotions and deeds of people... to their enslavement to his snares and schemes and evil spirits and powers of eternal darkness. Many, who performed such things, often became demonic possessed. Many became depressed, paranoia or insane or comitted suicide or became abusers and killers of people and cruel persons. I AM. I write this warning to all of you, so that you will escape from the powers of darkness, who sometimes come with "knowledge" or "religions" or "spiritual things" to make you their slaves. They often prepare you for hell by coming to you as "angels of light" by promising you succes, wealth, luxury, power, satisfaction in all kinds of arears of life or by giving you "special enlightment " to make you "more wise" or "perceptive to higher powers in the universe". They pretend to be "the true knowledge" that will make you to a "god" or "godess", "who can reign and rule on earth and will have the power to do whatever you want". This is the old lie from the red dragon/the old snake/satan/Lucifer/the devil/the diabolos , that they can and will be like God. This eternal lie of satan and his demons, who pretend that they are gods and godesses, has brought many people throughout the ages in the chains of hell. During all ages I warned people out of love, but some didn't want to listen. So they came in eternal suffering, because of their disobedience towards My holy loving voice to their precious hearts by means of My holy words. I, YHWH GOD, the Almighty gave the bible/the words of God and My Son Jesus the Christ and his faithfull followers and the gospel as the True Light from heaven, that saves all who believe Us. My beloved Son Jesus the Christ said : I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life... and nobody can come to GOD the heavenly Father, than just by Me. I AM. I YHWH GOD was in Christ Jesus amoung the people of Israel/the Jews... and revealed the only Way to eternal glory by means of faith in Me and My beloved Son Jesus the Christ, who was My Temple on earth in which I dwelleth with My holy almighty Ghost. I performed with en within and through Him all the miracles and powers and healings that people saw in His age, and the eyewittnesses wrote about Him... and the words and deeds and powers He did in My holy almighty powers. I AM. He and I are One. Thousands of people saw Him... and heard Him or about Him. Many testimonies were written in the first and second age, but alas satan destroyed many... and some are still hidden in secret places and will be revealed at the proper time. I AM. Meanwhile I and He, We, revealed ourselves to many in the ages afterwards... and even in this 21 age to many people in the universe. Thousands of people have dreams, visions, revelations, prophecies etc. by means of Our almighty Spirit and angels. Often My Son appeared to people of former ages... and especially appeared/appears in this age... and they again became and are Our holy wittnesses, who confirm the truths of Our old Holy scriptures of the bible. I AM. On the last day of Judgement no-one will say to Me, "God I never heard about you". I will hold all accountable for what they heard and read about Me and My Son and our Holy words and gospel... and what they did with the knowledge, that We sowed into their hearts by means of Our Holy eternal words and the holy testimonies of Our holy wittnesses... and no-one will flee the judgement. I AM. Woe to them, who refused to believe and to obey Our holy gospel of salvation... for they will be condemned, because of their pride and evil and wicked godless lives on earth. I YHWH GOD AM. Their self-righteoussness, without acknowledging Our righteoussnes, will condem them in Our holy presence... and the holy books will be opened to them, and they will be judged by these holy books and their words written in them... according to their deeds. I YHWH GOD AM. Blessed and saved are the wise ones, who heard the gospel and asked God for forgiveness... and who invited Us into their hearts, so that We with Our holy Ghost would indwell their hearts, for eternity... and who accepted Jesus Christ and his reconciling blood on the cross as the price for their souls... to be set free from eternal judgement... so that they would be justified by grace through faith in the Saviour : YHWH saves the Anointed One = Jesus the Christ/ Yahshua ha Mashiach. Amen. Their faith in the Righteouss One, Jesus the Christ, will be the only reason why they will be justified in Gods presence now and forever. For they knew/know how evil mankind was/is... and that no-one can save himself for eternity by good works... but that salvation only comes by our heavenly love and grace/giving goodness through Jesus Christ and His blood... and His Heavenly Godly Eternal High Priesthood, for He prays and intercedes and intervenes in My holy presence for all who trust Him... and His eternal love and compassion and mercies, to help and save their precious souls here and now... and for all eternity. I, YHWH GOD, AM. 

( Prophecy 02/07/2018.) Jean Schoonbroodt.


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