Words of GOD to the prophet of GOD YHVH : ...

These are the Words of God in 2019 to the prophet of GOD YHVH :

Listen carefully and absorb My holy words. Keep them in your heart and mind. Accept that many are not willing to listen to you, when they are hardened by their own selfish will and sinful nature and stubbornness towards Me and My holy voice, coming to them by My holy written scrolls or books/bibles or by My faithfull and anointed wittnesses or messengers. For many drifted away from Me, after they heard My voice to their hearts and spirits in these last ages. Now in these last days, before the return of My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, many will fall away from the True Faith and True Gospel, because of the temptations, false prophets and false messengers and false teachings and false priests/elders and deceived and deceiving preachers and ministers, who preach freedom, but are themselves slaves of sin and of evil spirits. I AM. Be aware of the fact, that you are a testimony and wittness to them of the True mindset, by My grace given to you, to be soldier of Christ Jesus in His heavenly and earthly holy army of love and truth and kindness and submission to Me... and My holy beloved Son... and Our Holy Ghost... and our holy serving spirits, holy angels, who are with you... to lead and guide you... as I command them to do. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 01.03.2019. Peter Schoonbroodt.


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