Warning to the nations and tribes.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, to the nations and tribes of the earth in these last days :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth : I YHVH AM GOD and I will bring holy grace and love and peace to all that I love... and who are waiting for Me. I AM. Many are on the run. Many think that they are happier without Me, but listen, I AM GOD and I will bring judgement upon the people and nations and tribes who refuse to accept Me and My Son and Our holy gospel of salvation. Many suffer, because of their disbelieve and disobedience. I AM. Return to Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, so that days of love and peace and righteousness will mark your life in these last days. For I warn all people... and admonish them to submit to Me and My Son and Our gospel of salvation, so that they all will flee the coming judgements and will inherit the kingdom of GOD. I AM.

Prophecy 02.05.2019. received by JMPS.


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