God says : "I will take their masks off..."

Prophecy by The Candle/J.M.P. Schoonbroodt.

This says GOD YHVH, the God of creation :

"Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD, who created the heavens and the earth in 6 days... and who rested on the 7 the day and sanctified him. So that all would work 6 days... and would rest from their works on the 7 th day, the Shabbat. I AM. Many of you knew or heard this. My holy grace is sufficient to supply in al the needs of mankind. I AM. Still I want all to know, that many are not willing to accept Me nor My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ nor Our glorious gospel of saving grace and truth and of reconciliation. I AM. Many even deny Our existence... and in doing so they mask themselves, so that their true face and their evil will not be seen by other people. I AM. But I will take their masks off their faces, so that they will be revealed as the ones that they are in reality. Therefore I will reveal by My holy Spirit and holy angels who you are in reality... and will expose your evil and godlessness and lawlessness and wickedness and cruelty to all, already here on earth. And very, very, very soon I will reveal Myself to all of you as your Judge. I AM. For I AM the Judge of the living and the dead, the spiritual living and the spiritual dead. I AM. Many of you will be humbled in My holy Presence, when I will appear to you in the Image of My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, the Living One. I AM."

Prophecy 12.06.2020. Received by The Candle.


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