The White Throne in heaven...



This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth :

Hear, o mankind, I AM the GOD who is Light, power/energy/dynamis, love, righteousness and judgement. I AM. For I AM Ghost/Spirit. I have all powers in Myself to create whatever I like to create, according to My holy thoughts and words that I speak. For I have the power to create by My Ghost and words whatever I want. My glory is seen in all of creation, for the heavens and the earth, universes, proclaim by day and night that I AM. For I called them all into existence. I AM. Soon I will show to all that I AM the I AM, the GOD who will fufill all My words and prophecies and revelations to Israel and to the nations/gentiles and to the tribes and generations and to believers and unbelievers, godly people and ungodly people, holy people and unholy people, righteous people and unrighteous people, good and bad people, evil and wicked people, Satanists/Luciferians and idolaters who worship fallen ones and demons and unclean evil and wicked spirits, strange gods and godesses/demonic entities, and to the chosen ones/glorified ones in Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. For the heavens and the earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. I AM. " ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the GOD who is a consuming fire and the Creator of all existing things and dimensions."For the, at this moment, existing heavens and earth will be consumed by My fire on the day that I will command it to happen by My Ghost and words, to reveal that I AM the True and Only GOD of all universal powers and existing material worlds, which I created and that I kept existing for the time that I had in mind... according to My holy plan in the power of My holy almighty Ghost and words. I AM. After I will have destroyed this temporay creation, I will judge all of mankind in front of My heavenly White Throne, where My holy ones will sit on heavenly thrones... and where the dead, that were in their graves, in the see and in the kingdom of death, will stand in Our presence... and the books will be opened... and the people will be judged according to what in the books is written... according to their works. And if their names will not be found in the Book of the Lamb of God... than they will be thrown into the second death, which is the lake of brimstone and fire, where they will suffer in all eternity. I AM." ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH. "Amen." ; Says the Spirit of GOD. "And all who will be saved for eternity will inherit the New Heaven and the New Earth, which I will create to the glory of Us, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, YHVH-Elochim, and all Our chosen ones, who overcame the evil world in faith and obedience to Us and Our Good News/Gospel of salvation. I AM."; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD. "Glory, glory, glory, follow Me...." ; Says the Lord Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. "Amen, YHVH is LORD and GOD and Jesus Christ is God and Lord. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elochim." ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 30.08.2020. Received by the Candle/Jean.M. P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


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