Destruction of the Whore Babylon...



This says GOD to the Churches/Gatherings of saints IN Christ Jesus on the surface of the earth :

"Hear, ye saints of these last days before the return of My beloved holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, soon I will take you up into eternal glory to be with Him and Me. I AM. I know the different teachings going around the earth and in the earth by spirits in the air concerning the words written in 1 Cor. 15 ; 50-58. and 1 Thess. 4 ; 13-18. I know the teachings spread over the earth by those who proclaim to know for sure, that their even will be no Rapture of saints of the Body of Christ Jesus anymore. But soon they will be astonished, when suddenly the Last Trumpet will sound with great power. For My holy angel, who will blow that trumpet, is ready.  The time is very near. Hold on to the words of this encouragement among all the different false teachings that are going around the earth by the evil spirits of darkness who try to deceive the elected ones and try to take their living hope away concerning this heavenly Godly promiss, that My Holy Ghost gave by the words of the prophets and the apostle Paul. I AM. For the time is near. Don't be deceived. I AM. My holy will has been made known by My Holy Ghost throughout all ages by faithful ones... according to the heavenly glorious Light that I gave them by My holy Ghost and holy angels and by My Son, who often appeared to chosen ones throughout all ages to call them to be His and My witnesses... concerning the Truth and the Living Hope  to be gathered one day with THE LIVING ONE. I AM. You know that the Whore Babylon always has been since Adam and Eve fell away from us. She often has tried to hinder and destroy Our holy work and holy scriptures... or falsify them... or tried to kill Our saints and faithful servants. Many holy testimonies of saints were/are even still hidden in secret places of the Whore Babylon. Many church-leaders had this revelation and prophecy already in former times... and even wrote or taught about it. Still she is hiding many things concerning the original holy gospel-facts, for she is afraid, that people will understand her evil and occult secrets and her real being, because she often dresses as an "angel of light", who possesses all knowledge to lead and guide the nations by her "spiritual knowledge and wisdom and intelligence", although she is the murderous queen/woman/whore sitting on the throne of the earth at Rome. Hear, ye nations and Israel and church-leaders of the earth, soon devastation will fall upon her. For My judgment is ready to be poured out upon her. And all true saints knew or know it... and yes even she knows it, for there were/are people among her who studied the holy scriptures and knew/know about her future. Therefore she is continually watching and controling all things on earth by her Beast-system, that she is in control of, so that the Beast and the Mammon-Beast-system will do her will and even protect her, where possible. She has her agents/ministers going around to control world-leaders and their gatherings and plans and actions. They even tried to infiltrate all organisations and churches... and  they often succeeded in her and their evil and wicked plans to take them over... or to put them under their control directly or indirectly. Many church-leaders were tempted by her during all ages to make compromises with her. If they were not willing to submit to her demands, than she would start to persecute them in several ways or even destroy them. In these days she is still doing so. But soon I will make an end to her evil and wickedness by those who were her servants. I AM. For the Beast-system will turn against her. For I will awake ten of their kings/rulers/mighty men to destroy her, for they will hate her and her wickedness. Although she still sits on her throne as being the mightest power on earth, she soon will be destroyed by fire. I AM." ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Creator of all existing heavens and the earth.

Prophecy 22.03.2021. Received by The Candle/ Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


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