The Glorious Creator speaks...



 Is your name already written in the Book of Life of the Lamb of God... ?

This says GOD :

"Hear, ye nations of this endtime, you are very anxious, but I AM GOD and no-one is like I AM. For I AM the GOD who created the heavens and the earth, the universes with all its elements. I AM. For I AM the Only Almighty One, who was, is... and always will be. For I AM not flesh and blood and bones like you are. I AM Ghost/Holy Spirit and can create out of My own being all that I want. I AM. No-one will be able to overcome Me when I AM willing to judge the living and the dead. I AM. Unless some-one is very humble and God-fearing in My holy Presence and is willing to kneel down and to admit who I AM and who he/she is in My holy Eternal Eyes of flaming fire. I AM. Maybe I will allow them to get My attention and maybe I will give them according to their humble prayers. I AM the Almighty Ruler and King of creation and I have exalted My holy name among all nations throughout all ages as being the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Almighty One, YHVH-GOD. I AM. I AM the GOD of the little State of Israel in the Middle-East, although  they are evil in many ways... like all of you among the nations, still I will fulfill My holy eternal promisses that I made to My friend Abraham and his descendants, the Israelites. I AM. Many of you sinned against My True Spirit-filled Israel, that lives according to My Holy Spirit, which means that the true elected/chosen ones are the ones that have a personal deep relationship with Me, the GOD of the universes, the great I AM. Many hated them throughout the ages, but My holy judgments hit them. I AM. Know this : I AM GOD and I will bring judgments upon the nations, because of the evil that they did in My holy Eyes towards My chosen ones out of Israel and the nations, who honor and worship Me in holy Spirit and the truth.. according to My holy grace and truth and true heavenly love. I AM. Soon I will send the Mashiach/Christ/Anointed One, Yeshua/Yahshua/Yahushua/Yehoshua/Jesous/Jesus. I AM. He will come from heaven in My Glory... to take over the earth... and will sit down visible on the throne at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. And than He will judge all nations in righteousness. I AM. And than He will separate the goats from the sheep. The goats will be thrown into eternal fire... and the sheep wil enter into the glorious heavenly Kingdom of Me, YHVH-GOD, on earth... and will live with Us during 1000 years. And Israel will live in peace... and the nations will not war anymore against them. I AM." ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The GOD of the spirits and the living beings.

Prophecy by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind.



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