YHWH-GOD speaks to those.... who want to get to know Him.

 YHWH-GOD SPEAKS... to those who want to get to know Him.

This says GOD YHWH, the LORD GOD of creation :

"Hear, o Israel and nations of the earth, I AM the GOD and Father of you all... although many of you still do not know Me nor seek Me in honest holy prayer. For I see and hear and know all things of all of mankind. I AM. No thing can be hidden from My holy Eyes of flaming fire, that even can consume people in their innermost being, if I would like to do this, for I AM in reality a consuming fire and powerfull Energetic and Dynamik GHOST and almighty, although many deny it and even are so spiritual blind that they can not  see the truth anymore, because of the lies and deceit and seduction and betrayal by those who are Satan's / Lucifer's co-workers and slaves, conciously or uncounciously. I AM. Many heard parts of the Good News/ Gospel of salvation. But alas... most of the time they loved their old sinful godless and worldy-lust-life more than Us. So We gave them over into the evil desires of their sinful hearts and lusts of the flesh, by which they all derailed... and even were/are given over into powers of darkness. Many are dead in transgressions of Our holy words and commandments and holy teachings. I AM. Money is "the new god" of mankind, which is in reality "the old god" called "Mammon". I AM. My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach said in His days on earth : "You can not serve two masters, or you will hate the one... and love the other ; you can not serve Mammon and God." Many are in their mindset and in their choices and will and doing enemies of Me and My Son and Our Holy Ghost and of Our holy Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness. I AM. Those who really want to get to know Us have to take their time to pray/speak to Us with respect... and to allow Us to change their ways of thinking, willing, speaking, writing and doing. I AM. Many were/are not willing to accept this. Reason : They are "free" as they say, but are in reality captives/slaves of manipulation by the forces of darknes... that cover the earth. Satan has the power to deceive, seduce and manipulate and even to betray, abuse, rape, to steal, to torture and to murder. He is the father of all lies and evil and wickedness. I AM. Many heard this before but often forgot it, for many are so deceived that they even deny Our and his existence and our influence in creation. But, the day will come that many will see reality as We revealed it to mankind throughout all ages by Our holy anointed ones with Holy Ghost, who prophecied and revealed the secrets of life. I AM. To face reality can often be very shocking, but meanwhile can open the eyes of some... who are willing to get to now the TRUTH. I AM. For I AM GOD and the TRUTH / REALITY / ORIGIN / SOURCE of all that was, is or ever will be. I AM. Blessed are all who accept My heavenly and earthly Reign and holy plan in and with creation. I AM. For I AM THE WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, STRONG GOD, ETERNAL FATHER and THE KING OF HEAVENLY PEACE. I AM. For I AM the KING of all kings and the LORD of all lords. I AM. No-one was before I AM. For I was before I called things into existence. All the worlds, visible and invisible, are the work of My Hand. I AM the Almighty One and no-one else. All who will try to fight Me... will loose. I AM." ;  Says the LORD GOD YHWH, the Great I AM of all universal powers and of all universes.

Prophecy 25.10.2021. Received by The Candle / The Voice in the Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


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