WORD OF GOD TO THE NATION-STATE OF ISRAEL ... This says GOD to the Nation-State of Israel : "Hear, o nation-State of Israel, I, the LORD-GOD YHWH, was The One ... who according to My holy prophecies started the State of Israel ... and I used "the hunters and the fishermen" to get you back into the promised land. I AM. If you would know the holy scriptures of your true prophets/seers/revelators than you would and will understand what I AM talking about. I AM. For many think that they know Me, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the great "I AM" , who called Moses the man of God and all the other holy prophets/seers/revelators and anointed ones with Holy Ghost/ Holy Breath of My Power and Majesty and of My Spirit and holy Mouth. I AM. Soon you will see great and awful things with your eyes and ears ... and some of you already saw them. I AM. I AM the One who has all powers in the heavens and the earth and not the New World Order. I AM. Many were/are deceived an...