GOD speaks to the nations surrounding Israel ...

 This says GOD to the nations surrounding Israel in the Middle-East : 

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Khxig4Q3Y2vY   ( CLIP : How to get to know GOD... )

"Soon I will reveal Myself to all of you according to the words of the prophets and seers and revealers and holy apostles/messengers of Me, The GOD of Israel.I AM. I spoke to Moses, the shepherd, who I called to be the prophet and messenger of Me to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Farao of Egypt, who kept them in a cruel way in slavery and killed the male babies to hinder that Israel would increase in numbers. Nowadays the global world-order is doing the same to mankind worldwide in different ways to depopulate ..  and many of the secret societies even try to destroy/eliminate all of the Israelites worldwide and the christians and the true Jews, who are still God-fearing ... although they are not yet complete knowledge-able concerning who the real Mashiach is. I AM. They were/are deceived. But soon two Lamp-stands /Menorahs/Olive-trees/witnesses/prophets will suddenly appear to the nations at Sodom and Egypt, the city where their Lord was crucified. I AM.The time is near. Many did not believe what My former prophets and apostles taught and revealed and prophecied concerning these things of the end-time/last days ... that you are now facing.I AM. My Holy Spirit teaches all theses things and prophecies and reveals it to the chosen ones, who are the testimonies/witnesses to these facts and realities. I AM. Soon I will lead My true sheep/flock out of the Whore Babylon and even out of The Beast worldwide. I AM. Those who really have ears to hear and eyes to see and recognize this reality will soon be saved by Our grace and love and truth under Our almighty Hand as in the days of Moses. I AM. My true people will follow the Good Shepherd that I will reveal to the nations in these last days. I AM. They will really hear His Voice and obey Him. Many loved money/Mammon more than Me. I AM. Therefore they chose the side of Satan and his cults and religious world and financial material world-system/ Beast and its represent and the false prophet of the false church, who claims to have the power to represent GOD and Jesus Christ on earth to rule and reign all nations and tribes of the earth. This false prophet is seated at seven hills in his "castle" ... and all kings of the earth had to bow down for him and to accept his reign over them. You know him as "the pope". He is in his position the false prophet, because his kingdom is a kingdom of mammon and uses and abuses religion and even holy scriptures and their explanation to their intelligence and manipulation of the nations and tribes of the earth.They even infiltrated holy gatherings to take them over or to lead them to the point that they would have to submit to his authority... or otherwise they would be persecuted or even killed as "sects"and "dangerous cults". The evil snares and schemes and wicked murderous attitude and dogma's were/are the work of Satan/Lucifer where they changed times and laws and even falsefied the gospel-truth ... by adding teachings that were not taught by the holy prophets and apostles of Jesus The Christ. They even used and use teachings and symbols and rituals and religious acts and clothes, which belonged to idolators of former old anti-GOD YHWH tribes or cults or religions, which I hated and hate. I AM. Nowadays many have left these churches and are looking for life elsewhere. But outside of Me, YHWH-Elohim and My Son Jesus The Christ, The Source of LIFE ... there is no life but dead. I AM. When people or nations or tribes turn back to us than We can be merciful, gracious and loving and caring and blessing to them, if they are honest and are really willing to trust and obey and believe us more than the lies and schemes of fallen mankind. I AM."  ;

Says the LORD GOD, YHWH-Elohim, the Great "I AM".

Message by The Candle / The Menorah / J.M.P.S. The Wind 7.



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